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Turn a Closet Into a Home Office in 6 Easy Steps BODi

These visual examples demonstrate the cloffice’s adaptability to your personal taste and functional requirements. Personalizing your cloffice with decorative elements can enhance its appeal. A bold back wall or simple curtains can add character to the space, making it more enjoyable to work in. For aesthetic inspiration, Houzz showcases various ways to elevate the look of your workspace. It only took Kaitlin Clark about three hours to transform an extra closet in her home studio into a functional workspace and vanity that’s also 100% reversible. “If you do nonpermanent upgrades, the beauty is that you can switch it around as much as you wish,” the lifestyle content creator explains.

converting a closet to an office

In case you have one master bedroom closet, free that room up by buying one or two wardrobes for your clothing and shoes. If you have a guest bedroom that seldom gets used, updating the closet into an office environment turns it right into a dual-purpose space. Groceries can move into kitchen cabinets, your guests’ coats will be strung on a jacket rack, and linens may be stacked in baskets on bathroom shelves. After selecting your small workroom area, it is time to shift your thoughts toward your design. What colors, fabrics, and accessories go best with your current home decor? One of the closet ideas that you will genuinely need is lighting.

Furnishing Your Cloffice: Furniture and Decor Essentials

According to experts, how you paint a room has a lot to do with your feelings. If you want to feel more focused, blue or gray is considered the right color. In opposed to it, warm tones like orange or yellow ignite creativity and passion.

It’s also a relatively small space compared to the big office. Find out what type of wall you have before hanging anything. If it’s drywall, attach floating shelves to wall studs — this will provide a solid foundation for your project.

How Do I Organize Office Supplies In My New Cloffice?

See more related content about setting up a home office for remote work on this page. And lastly, don’t forget to include yourself in the equation. Pull out a chair and pretend to work in that space and see how you figure in with the rest of the space.

On the side walls, pegboards hold scissors and buckets of pens and pencils and craft supplies. Measure the space and decide what size desk you want to fit into it. Your desk can be as simple as a painted board or a complex setup with drawers. If you need a home office space but don’t have a spare room, a spare closet can be a great solution.

Turning a closet into a home office: a comprehensive guide

Add some shelves or cabinets to those areas to create further room inside a small workspace. One of the easiest ways to make your teeny office space stand out is with wallpaper, as showcased in this minimalistic cloffice. Still wondering how to turn a small closet into an office? You can create a work surface and the appropriate kinds of storage in a space that is perfectly containerized. Then you can close it up (or even lock it up), walk away, and never have to worry about it overflowing into your living space.

convert closet to office

If you don’t have the tools to make pocket holes, you can nail the trim in place through the front with finishing nails, you’ll just have to fill nail holes. And for an extra added sophistication, put a piece of crown molding along the top. Install the vertical trim from ceiling down to where the desktop will start.

Wiring Your Closet Office – Get Help Online

A fresh coat of paint or some vibrant wallpaper can make a significant impact, as can the addition of personal items like photos or plants. For DIY enthusiasts, Family Handyman provides a guide to creating a compact office with ample storage, ensuring that your cloffice is both functional and stylish. For a clutter-free closet office, search for a seamless desk with drawers. Make use of the drawers for files and notepads, then create a feature of stationery storage with several gorgeous pen pots and magazine files. We have a lot of time for the modest pegboard; it looks cool, is very flexible, and could be cut to fit any space.

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